Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Gender in Action- this is Women in Contemporary Society class Assignment

Gender in Action- this is Women in Contemporary Society class - Assignment Example How women were often judged through physical appearance, rather than assessing their inherent ability to possess qualities greater than that which would be seen as the normal expected behavior. In the end, â€Å"It was no ordinary thing that called her away-- it was probably farther from ordinary than anything that had ever happened in Dickson County. But what her eye took in was that her kitchen was in no shape for leaving; her bread all ready for mixing, half the flour sifted and half unsifted,† (Cook, p. 257). To epitomize the choice that many within the woman’s movement would be faced with, â€Å"Even after she had her foot on the door-step, her hand on the knob, Martha Hale had a moment of feeling she could not cross that threshold. And the reason it seemed she couldnt cross it now was simply because she hadnt crossed it before,† (Cook, p. 258). Ultimately, the choice of whether or not to enter into a new aspect of public life that may have been unimaginable up until that very moment. Not only feeling the responsibility to stay with that which would have been known but to also have the opportunity to experience new things at the same time. For children, they are often faced with the position of determining their gender roles in society, not only in terms of how they see themselves but also, how they take those perceptions and translate them into how they ultimately see others around them that they encounter. As a group of the human race that tends to be far more impressionable than those who would be older, the ability to enforce those roles within their own cultural groups is often times aided by their understanding of what either gender is expected to do and expected to be. In terms of the issue as to whether or not most children would follow such role definitions, for the most part, some children would seek to do so and some would wish to re-evaluate their role within the world and would create a different path for

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