Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Current U.S and Indonesian Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current U.S and Indonesian Economics - Essay Example which lowered their money reserves making it more expensive to gain access to capital because the rating agencies downgrade bonds issued by countries in the Indonesians region. Dependency theory is the economic explanation of a nation in terms of cultural, economic, and political factors. These affect the economic polities the government implements. Cultures respect historical results and in economic unstable countries that the phenomenon last for a long time the people rebel against the state. Civil war is not accepted in the United Nations and they must intervene to end these types of conflicts immediately. Participatory development produces more quality food at a lower price than in the past due to developments in research and developments and genetic engineering agricultural. A difference between these two philosophies is control. Conditionality is associated with the economic policies established by the International Monetary Fund also often referred too as the World Bank. Some emerging economies believe that the economic policies of the World Bank are unfair and that they give preferential treatment to developed countries. The loans are given out, but conditionality is included so that the loans are used for a specific purpose. Community development often fails due to conflict and discrepancies in expectations. Sometimes the demands of certain interest groups are not unreasonable and the government cannot accommodate their demands due to economic constraints. Other reasons why community development programs fail is due to a lack of money. It takes money to pay for rent of community centers and to provide other types of services. 6) Some people are saying that recent and on-going demonstration called "occupy Wall Street" has become a "social movement" similar to some in the "Arab Spring" social movements of this past year. What do you think of this claim? Occupy Wall Street is a movement that supports of the country with New York and All Street being the

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