Monday, September 30, 2019

A Visual Analysis of a World War II Poster Essay

â€Å"Keep this Horror from Your Home,† an American propaganda poster produced during World War II, uses many visual and textual elements to encourage Americans to buy war bonds by portraying the Japanese as rapists. The author of the piece is unknown, but it is obvious that the creator of the poster carefully chooses the color, patterns, scale, text, and representation of the piece to send a very strong social and political message. There is little doubt that the underlying message was directed towards all Americans during World War II, and not towards a single community or group of people. The viewer does not need an art background or even the slightest political awareness to understand the meaning of the poster. Rather, the poster is simple and straightforward. The central focus of the poster is on the Japanese man, whose facial features are clearly exaggerated to instill fear and disgust in the eyes of the viewer. In contrast, the frightened and vulnerable expression of the American woman, who is helpless in the grasp of the Japanese soldier, fuels the viewer’s hatred for the Japanese even more. Its message is palpable to the extent of the quickest glance, yet there is more evidence hidden beyond the surface of the poster. Its full visual potential can be realized only after analyzing the various visual and textual elements in exacting detail. After examining and exploring the poster in depth, it becomes apparent that the color scheme plays an important role in assigning the role of the victim and of the enemy. The Japanese soldier has very dark skin whereas the American girl being threatened and possibly raped has fair skin. The dark versus light contrast always seems to symbolize the struggle between evil and good. The technique in which the creator of the poster uses in juxtaposing the dark skin of the Japanese soldier with the light skin of the American girl fully achieves his intended purpose. Further inspection reveals another dark versus light contrast. The Japanese soldier wears a black army issued hat while the American soldier on the lower right corner of the poster wears a white cap, subconsciously suggesting that the Japanese army is evil and that the American forces are good. The blood red color of the background, the bright red lips of the Japanese soldier, and the reddish hue on the American girl’s cheeks all seem to allude to the sexuality of the poster. The use of the color red symbolizes blood, violence, and rape.  Besides the red background and the dark versus light contrast of the Japanese soldier and the American girl’s skin colors, the â€Å"placards† that read â€Å"Invest 10% in War Bonds† and â€Å"Back up Our Battleskies!† are the only other colors represented on the entire poster. It is interesting to note that the color of the two placards matches the color of the American girl’s skin. The entire poster is dominated, if not limited, to these three colors: red, dark, and light. This allows the viewer to focus on and to look beyond the color scheme and recognize its symbolic meaning, rather than just to admire the colors of the poster without delving beneath the surface meaning. Scale and pattern also play an important role in defining our perception of each character in the poster. For example, the Japanese soldier’s hands are so large that they appear to envelop the American girl’s face, causing the viewer to feel threatened. In addition, the Japanese soldier’s teeth are jagged and massive, immediately drawing attention to his beast-like, merciless expression. One may even draw the conclusion that the Japanese soldier represents some kind of wild animal, as his posture and expression seem too cruel to be human. His frightening and imposing figure in conjunction with the phrase, â€Å"Keep This HORROR from Your Home† gives the reader the feeling that both his own country and home are being threatened by the Japanese. At this point, the text and the font size and style of the text become very important to the overall meaning of the poster and make it a very effective propaganda poster. In assigning the word â€Å"HORROR† a larger font size than the words around it, the artist wants the viewer to focus on the word â€Å"Horror,† which instills a sense of fear and insecurity into the viewer. Italicizing the word â€Å"Your† gives the viewer a sense of identity with his country and inspires a sense of pride and obligation in defending his own home, his own nation. That’s where the genius of the poster comes in. Following the feeling of anxiety and urgency that the poster pushes onto the viewer, a simple solution is offered: â€Å"Invest 10% in War Bonds.† The artist obviously designed the poster to stimulate the sales of war bonds, and he succeeds in doing so because he presents such a morbid and exaggerated scene, climaxing with the threatening phrase â€Å"Keep This HORROR from Your Home.† In a literal sense, the phrase, â€Å"Invest 10% in War Bonds,† is analogous to the denouement of the poster’s â€Å"plot. † After analyzing the poster in full detail, one understands all the aspects of the poster. Questions as to why the artist used certain color schemes, why he presented the characters like he did, and why he used such powerful text are answered. Like most typical World War II propaganda posters, this poster, capitalizes on the nationalistic pride of the people in defending their own nation. In doing so, it exploits the stereotypical view of the Japanese soldier and paints a cloud of sin to rouse the spirits of Americans. Racial inferiority, hate crimes, and discrimination are the end results of such propaganda posters. Does the artist carry out his intended goal of selling war bonds and stirring up emotions of anger and fear in Americans? Without a doubt†¦ But whether such use of propaganda is ethical and justified is an entirely separate question.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Mkt 421 Week 3 Kudler Paper

Marketing Research: Kudler Fine Foods Susan Karr MKT 421 October 1, 2012 Ricci Rizzo Marketing Research: Kudler Fine Foods In order to succeed, it is fundamental that businesses satisfy consumers’ needs (and desires) for goods and services. Appropriate market research provides the data necessary to understand those needs and respond to them effectively and profitably. Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) has performed market research in the past. Some of that research has been helpful; some has not. Additional market research is needed for KFF to reach a larger share of the market and increase profitability.Kudler Fine Foods is a gourmet grocery store. KFF sells meat, produce, cheese, and wine. They also provide catering services. KFF has targeted two market segments, high-income consumers and gourmands (gourmet food enthusiasts) (Kudler Fine Foods, 2011, Sales Plan 2007 webpage). These markets were selected based on the strengths owner Kathy Kudler brings to her organization. Gourmet food is Kathy’s passion. KFF has used historical data, customer surveys, and feedback from its sales force to discover what its target market wants.Observing patterns in historical data and extending those patterns to predict the future, or trend extrapolation, is the â€Å"best-known statistical method† for predicting future sales (Kerin, Hartley, & Rudelius, 2011, p. 215). Salesforce survey forecasts, such as the feedback from managers at the operations review meetings on the sample offerings Kathy is considering, are another logical approach to discovering what the target customer wants (Kerin, Hartley, & Rudelius, 2011, p. 215). KFF’s customer surveys are an additional tool used to fine-tune what their customers (new and existing) really want.The company has begun to track customer purchase behavior to forecast which products and services are most likely to be in demand and when specifically (year-round, seasonally, holidays, etc. ). KFF is considering a ddressing changes in consumer expectations in the changing e-commerce arena (KFF currently has an informational website that consumers can visit). KFF believes quality and specialty items, especially new ones, are most important to its customers. Kudler Fine Foods has no direct competition with other gourmet grocery stores in their current locations.Kathy chose the locations for this reason and for their accessibility to KFF’s target high income consumers. KFF has been emphasizing direct mail promotions to high income zip codes, word-of-mouth advertising via satisfied customers, and personal sales promotions both in-store and at various community events. Although Kudler Fine Foods has chosen two very specific markets to target, a more thorough understanding of those target markets is needed to deliver what they want. One of KFF’s target markets is gourmands.KFF’s research focus in this area has been primarily on the supply side: Kathy monitors what products the competition is offering, what products are advertised in gourmet magazines, and what products are shown at gourmet conventions and websites. To discover what gourmands want, KFF also needs to research the demand side. Mining on-line blogs and gourmet food forums are two ways KFF can increase its understanding of what gourmands want. Customer surveys, such as the ones KFF currently uses in-store, can also be revised and used both in-store and on-line. Specific areas to be researched include: * What products do they want? A changing selection of items or traditional items? * The newest items available or a more specific selection, such as local artisan wines and cheeses? * When do they want it? * Are there different times when certain items are desired more or less? * What do they want over the holiday season? Or during the summer versus the winter? * Where / how do they want it delivered? * Do they want to shop for it and prepare it themselves? If so, do they want to be able to shop on-line? * Do they want to attend classes to learn how to use the products? * Are they interested in on-line tutorials? * How much do they want the product to cost? Note: Based on answers to KFF’s 2011 Customer Survey, price is one area where additional research is vital. More than 50% of respondents did not feel the merchandise was a â€Å"good value for the money† (Kudler Fine Foods, 2011, 2011 Market Survey webpage). * What do they expect to pay? * What are they willing to pay? (Rizzo, 2012). Additional research is needed to more effectively reach KFF’s other target market, high income consumers. Currently KFF segments this market geographically based on zip code areas determined by various factors to be â€Å"higher-income† areas (based on real estate prices, for example).Although somewhat targeted, this promotional method uses the â€Å"shotgun† approach: direct mail is â€Å"blasted† over an area in hopes of reaching the target (Respon se Targeted Marketing, 2010). Past sales data (information on customers who spent over a certain amount or purchased large quantities) can be mined to determine where they live and how much they make. This demographic information can then be used to procure or generate lists of similar people. Using direct mail promotions, the target market can be contacted more effectively. It is important that KFF take measures to track the results of marketing campaigns.For example, if a direct mail postcard with a promotional offer is sent out, tracking sales generated from that offer will tell KFF if they are reaching their target or wasting their time and need to re-aim. This also means asking customers directly how they found out about KFF or what brought them into the store. Again, updating the current Customer Survey is a simple way to accomplish this. Kudler Fine Foods can improve its marketing strategy by focusing on three competitive intelligence priorities: 1. Understanding the consumer environment 2. Assessing and tracking competitor’s actions 3.Providing early warnings of opportunities and threats Several of the recommendations for increasing understanding of the target market will also help KFF understand the consumer environment better. Increased utilization of internet technology, such as implementing on-line surveys and monitoring gourmet consumer blogs and forums, is simple and cost-effective. Continuing to monitor competitors as Kathy has in the past is also important. To prioritize this, KFF’s department heads and managers can contribute to intelligence gathering, paying particular attention to competition, customers, and trends relevant to their areas of expertise.Most of this information can be gathered during customer and employee interactions; some will require research via internet, magazine, and the gourmet food community, even visiting competitors’ stores. Communication is vital to provide KFF with early warning of threats and opportunities. Kathy visits the stores personally: Discussing consumers and competitors, not just products and services, with employees and managers during these visits will ensure opportunities, as well as threats, are revealed in a timely manner.Kudler Fine Foods has begun to develop a foundation for successfully marketing its products and services. It is important that KFF perform additional research in some areas and continue to modify and improve on its marketing strategy. By updating it Customer Survey, capitalizing on information freely available on the internet and taking advantage of information previously gathered, KFF can reach a larger share of the gourmet foods retail market and increase profitability. References Kerin, R. , Hartley, S. & Rudelius, W. (2011). Marketing (10th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.Kudler Fine Foods (2011). Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Business/Kudler2/intranet/sales-plan. asp Response Targeted Marketing (2010). Shotgun Marketing Versus Targeted Marketing: 8 Steps To Focus Your Energies And Get More Sales For Less Investment. Retrieved from http://www. responsetargetedmarketing. com/2010/02/05/shotgun-marketing-versus-targeted-marketing-8-steps-to-focus-your-energies-and-get-more-sales-for-less-investment/ Rizzo, R. (2012). Marketing Process. Retrieved from http://www. screencast. com/t/R65nHl3j8ARl

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Personal development plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Personal development plan - Essay Example Part 1 This is what I call the Records part. It deals with my curriculum vitae including educational qualifications, experience, specific training etc and my likes and dislikes. I will round off the section with a SWOT analysis of my-self. Part 2 This is the Analysis part. I will reflect upon and analyze some of my experiences to ascertain the best strategy for me to further develop my personality. This Section is based mainly on a number of theories. Just for future reference I have listed the crux of few of these theories which I have used in my analysis. PART 1 - RECORD Curriculum Vitae Personal Details HAIDER KAMAL Address 7 / A, Fleetwood Street, Macintosh Towers, London Date of Birth 27 February 1983 Nationality British e-mail address Mobile Number 0638 12345678 Marital Status Single Home telephone 44.171.5678900 Personal Profile Key Skills Working under pressure to meet short deadlines Adapting quickly and effectively to changing circumstances and objectives Working independently or as part of a project team Career Profile Employer Appointment Duration Role Mavis & Deacon HR Consultants Section Supervisor Jan 2004 - May 2005 Assist manager in survey of client company J&J Pharma Ltd Assistant to Deputy HR Manager Jun 2005 - Jan 2007 All aspects of day to day working Academic Achievements Course Institution Result Year MBA (HRM) Greenwich Management School Ongoing 2007 BS (HRM) " 1st Class 2004 A Level St. John's College 4 A's ; 4 B's 2001 O Level " 5 A's ; 3 B's 1999 Interests Field sports like football, hockey, and cricket. Reading history, especially ancient Greek history. Music, movies and swimming. Training Received I attended a number of work-shops during my tenure at J&J.... To excel in what one does and to be better at it than others is the cherished desire of all persons. However, the measure of success depends upon the effort one puts in to constantly develop and improve his / her skills and personality. Stephen R Covey in his book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People suggests that to start the process of self improvement one should write down how he or she would like to be remembered after their death and then work to achieve that ideal. Meyer – Briggs Type Indicator ( MBTI ) is a personality test designed to identify significant personal preferences. Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers developed the Indicator during World War II, and its criteria follow from Carl Jung's theories in his work Psychological Types. According to Myers-Briggs Theory, while types and traits are both inborn, traits can be improved akin to skills, whereas types, if supported by a healthy environment, naturally differentiate over time. The ind icator attempts to tell the order in which this occurs in each person, and it is that information that the complete descriptions are based on. The indicator is like an arrow which attempts to point in the direction of the proper description. To learn about one's inborn traits is to create the opportunity to improve how one applies them in different contexts. In that sense, the MBTI can yield much personal change and growth.The main sorts of MBTI are known as Dichotomies.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Money and Banking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Money and Banking - Assignment Example The flow of money is not constrained by physical proximity, money flows around the globe through banking institutions and financial markets. This seemingly free flow of money is constrained, however, by rules under which banks and financial markets must operate, as dictated by government policy. This essay will examine different concepts which affect money and banking. I. If the central bank has an interest rate target, why would an increase in the demand for bank reserves lead to a rise in the money supply? If the central bank has an interest rate target an increase in the demand for bank reserves will lead to increase in the money supply since the increase in the demand for reserves shifts the reserves demand curve to the right which in turn would increase the interest rates. In order to prevent this, the central will buy bonds to increase the supply of reserves. The open market purchase will then cause the monetary base and the money supply to expand (Bishop 2012). II. The benefits of central bank lending to banks (rediscount operations) to prevent bank panics are obvious. What are the costs? The benefits of the central bank lending money to banks include helping them to maintain at least a fixed ratio of reserves relative to their to their transaction deposits, they help stabilize the total willingness to hold reserves in the overnight inter-bank loan market. A stable demand of reserves in the overnight inter-bank loan market helps to stabilize the overnight inter-bank loan interest rate, given a quantity of reserves supplied by the central bank. Central banks may lend emergence reserves and other funds when banks have liquidity problems or other financial problems such as shortage of capital. But like deposit insurance, the lending increases moral hazard if the central bank guarantees that all institutions can have access to discount loans, even institutions that are poorly managed. Part of the cost of poor management of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

How to use tactics of social influence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

How to use tactics of social influence - Essay Example These are usually outside factors that provide people with power - for instance, wealth, physical attractiveness, success in career. These factors place the person to a higher position compared to other people around. So even in case the person is not powerful as politician or military man, he may also possess the power that is not so evident but is also strong and intense. The singers and actors may serve as the example of the persons that possess this kind of power. They are not powerful in political sense, but they are attractive, recognized and successful, so they may influence other people. (Wikipedia) The researches observing social influence and social activity rapidly grow at present, as this problem is relevant in modern society. These researches may appear to be helpful in solving various social problems, as well as provide people with the measures that should be taken in case any kind of problem appears. Jan Bruins in his research observes the nature and effects of social influence and social power and their implementation in the relations of people, within the groups of people and among the groups of people. ... Various kinds of situations produce various kinds of effect that the influence may have: "For instance, in interpersonal situations, a faltering influence process can lead to the breakup of close personal relationships and to interpersonal aggression. At the intragroup level, it can lead to effects such as family violence and organizational burnout, and at the intergroup level it can result in discrimination and hostilities like gang wars and the Rodney King beating." (Bruins) The main subject for consideration is the way the social influence and power create the base for problems that individuals may face, both as individuals of as the representatives of a definite social group. The author also focuses on the problems that start on individual level, as they may produce effect that will touch upon higher levels of interpersonal communication. When the problems that appear on the individual level start to increase and spread its influence, this may lead to collective attempts to change the situation: "in combination, individual-level problems as directly addressed in this issue not only are interesting in their own right, but can also contribute to the occurrence of larger scale disruptions like the Los Angeles riots, student uprisings, and other forms of protest and civil unrest." (Bruins) In his investigation, author addresses historical context of the problems, observes earlier researches on this topic and describes conceptions and definitions that are related to the problems of social influence and power. The problems of power and social influences were observed by the social sciences within the centuries. Such famous philosophers and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How U.S. States Can better Fix Immigration problem Essay

How U.S. States Can better Fix Immigration problem - Essay Example The Task Force on US Immigration Policy mentions that there is a continuing failure on devising and implementing a functional immigration policy, which could eventually threaten the country’s economy, diplomacy and national security (Council on Foreign Relations 3). Unfortunately, other factors contribute to the prolonging of the problem, such as issues like â€Å"polarized institutions, unfair media coverage, complex public opinion, and difficulties in the administrative implementation of border enforcement and legal justice† (West xiii). In addition, the fact that most policies are hurriedly implemented just to solve the immigration problem quickly does not give enough merit for saying that the current policies are well enough to serve the nearly 12 million illegal immigrants residing in the country. Currently there are four issues that needed to be addressed in order to create possible solutions to the illegal entry of immigrants into the country, and these are: enha nced border security; identifying and tagging all undocumented migrants; addressing the gaps existing in the current United States immigration process; and developing a vigorous guest worker program (Cong. Rec. 2007, pt. 14780). Among the four issues mentioned, there should be greater focus on amending the current existing guest worker programs both on the employers’ side and the workers’ side, since work and income generation are considered to be the primary reasons why there have been a greater number of migrants entering the country. Source of the Problem The large numbers of immigrant workers can be traced to the remaking of the American Immigration Policy enacted in 1965, which enabled immigrants to allow their families to live with them since it was believed that an intact family creates productive and educated citizens (West 23). However this law was unable to foresee potential problems and long-term effects, and it came to terms that even non-immediate family m embers were also included in the immigration processes. Also, other problems became apparent when there were not enough visas to allow other immigrants that could possibly contribute economic and scientific growth such as scientists and business-owners, caused by the influx of extended family members applying for visas (36). Instead of achieving growth and development of industries, liabilities increased since not all family members that immigrated were able to become productive citizens once they entered the country. The problem also increased when numerous migrants tried crossing borders due to conflicts in their home countries that created security problems and financial instabilities. Other issues arose such as some business and farm-owners in the country opting to hire workers that illegally came to the country since they could save much more money by not paying them the minimum wages and withholding other benefits such as social security and health insurance, while still getti ng the work done properly (Kankam-Da-Costa 217). The only possible solution for these problems is to create stringent measures during hiring processes, as well as providing sanctions for employers that would try by-passing current policies in hiring by short-changing both their employers and the government. Proposed Solution to Prevent Increasing Illegal Migrant Workers Currently, U.S has guest worker prog

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Rising trend of government media censorship programs(intenet) Essay

Rising trend of government media censorship programs(intenet) - Essay Example Internet has a role to play in whatever activity we are interested in, be it banking, shopping, reading, entertainment or research. It is no more just a luxury but has become an obligation in today’s world. With the passage of time the face of Internet has undergone a sea change; it has developed into a double-edged sword and has been under the scanner for censorship and control. With the increase in popularity of the Internet, the cases related to Internet crimes have also increased substantially. Statistically speaking, â€Å"there are about 20,000 pornographic photographs posted on the Internet each day.† (Bells, 2010). Internet has many ill effects on its users. Owing to its free accessibility, it has been misused and mishandled. Internet has become easy medium to commit crimes and express emotions, which are embarrassing and risky to carry out in the real world. The anonymity that the virtual world offers has added fuel to such activities. There had been innumerabl e instances of people being influenced by Internet to commit heinous crimes. A student playing long hours of online shooting games might set out on a shooting spree in the university in his real life. This is only one of the thousands of possibilities that might take place on a regular basis all around the world. As observed by a freelance content writer, â€Å"The Internet has become counter productive not for what it offers but because of what it causes† (Otter, July 2006). As the Internet offers the facility of easy and hassle free banking and financial transaction facilities it also provides an added risk of hacking and controlling of personal information for financial gains by some unscrupulous individuals. Internet has become an easy medium for individuals to commit crimes like scams, fooling people by alluring them for job, lottery prizes and even lead to committing sexual assaults. (Hinders, 2003). The social networking sites have made life of an

Monday, September 23, 2019

Michelangelo Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Michelangelo - Research Paper Example helangelo was born in 1475 to a middle class family, in Italy, where he became a trainee to a painter before pursuing his studies in sculpture gardens. His father was working as a magistrate in the small village of Caprese. His family moved to Florence where his mother got ill while he was an infant. He was placed under the care of a stone cutting family where his passion for art developed. Michelangelo was a committed student and admired the works of Dante (Hayun, 210). Michelangelo is renowned for his works, which include Pieta and David statutes and the Rome’s Sistine Chapel ceiling paintings. While still young, his father realized that he had little interest in the family’s financial businesses, and he agreed to put him under the training of the trendy Florentine painter’s workshop. This was after he developed an interest in watching the painters at the near churches, and drawing what he observed while in school. While still at school, Michelangelo was introd uced by his grammar school friend to Domenico Ghirlandaio, a painter (Hayun, 211). Later, while under training at the workshop, an unexpected opportunity begot Michelangelo. Ghirlandaio recommended him to attend Medici Gardens, in the palace of Florentine king Lorenzo, to study sculpture. This provided Michelangelo with a platform to have access to the social elites of Florence. In addition, this gave him a leeway to be taught by the respected and renowned sculptor Bertoldo di Giovanni and other well-known scholars, poets and taught fellers (Lerner, 426). He also obtained significant authorization from the Catholic Church to examine cadavers for a deeper understanding of the human anatomy. However, this exposure to dead bodies had a significant effect on his health. With these mixtures of influences, groundwork for Michelangelo’s distinctive style was developed. His style was widely regarded as with a muscular exactitude and authenticity Mish mashed with an almost lyrical magnificence (Lerner,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Triumph of Science Over Religion Essay Example for Free

The Triumph of Science Over Religion Essay In her book, Rapture Culture: Left Behind in Evangelical America, Frykholm (2004) explains her interest in evangelism – that, in fact, her family had converted to evangelical Christianity and she had explored the faith in depth during her teenage years.   However, the author was not able to find the answers to her religious questions.   This made her a skeptic, as religious people would refer to her as. As a matter of fact, Frykholm realizes the differences between her beliefs and those of evangelical Christians.    She mentions, for example, that she was living with her fiancà © before marriage, while Christianity manifestly prohibits fornication.   Moreover, the Left Behind series appeals to people who are homophobic among other things, also according to the author.   Thus, she refers to the rapture culture – of the believers in rapture – as a part of Christian fundamentalism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The book, Rapture Culture, is a qualitative study relating the views of readers of the Left Behind series.   Frykholm seems to have undertaken the project because of her deep interest in evangelical Christianity.   Yet, she has approached the study as a disbeliever in evangelical Christianity.   She criticizes many of the beliefs of Christianity, which practicing Christians might consider as mockery.   It seems, however, that Frykholm would like the readers of the Left Behind series to help her understand the reasons why they believe in the rapture while she does not. She finds that the series strengthens the faith of some of the readers, while others find the series interesting because it allows them to learn what they had never paid attention to.   Frykholm discovers that the readers of the series differ in terms of what they gain from books about rapture.   All the same, it is not only a discovery of their understanding that the author is concerned with.   She describes her own perspective of Christian beliefs at every turn.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Frykholm’s doubts about Christianity are not unique in our time.   There are countless people in the United States and the Western world as a whole who were born into Christian families but have given up the practice of religion.   Fornication is quite common among such people.   Furthermore, it is considered abnormal by them to oppose homosexuality, even though the Bible strictly speaks against it in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Practicing Christians are of the opinion that this is one of the signs of the end times.   Frykholm, on the other hand, is confident that the rapture culture is the culture of a people that differ from her fundamentally.   Hence, the title of the book sheds more light on the ‘us versus them’ mentality of Frykholm as well as the evangelical Christians.   Needless to say, religion is at odds with the cultural norms of the majority in the West today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is, therefore, important to understand the history of the division in society as far as the practice of religion is concerned.   Frykholm does not have a problem referring to her book as a qualitative study, which suggests that scientific understanding is easier for her.   But, she is not the only person in the West who finds it easier to respect science as opposed to religion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   By the sixteenth century, the Western experience with religion had turned bitter.   The Catholic Reformation, also referred to as a Counter Reformation, was a response to the great Protestant Reformation in Europe during this period of time.   There were two elements of the Catholic Reformation.   First of all, Catholics were being called for a renewal of piety and of virtue in the form of renewed commitments to prayer as well as mysticism.   This component of the Reformation was particularly evident in the clerical orders.   The ordinary folks had nothing whatsoever to do with this component of the Reformation, seeing that even the clerical orders were not looked upon as worthy guides.   Secondly, the Church was being asked to reform in order to deal with unparalleled as well as swift changes in society, and abuses that accompanied those changes.[1]    There was turbulence witnessed in the societal structure, and one of the reasons why it was necessary to initiate the Catholic Reformation was that the humanists had revived classical pagan philosophy in the fifteenth century, using the new miracle of printing to shift the attention of society from the after life to the present.[2]   At the same time as the classical pagan philosophy was being circulated, the Church was going through a period of decline with a desiccation of scholastic thinking.   Internal abuses at the Church were also well-known, and these involved simony, the sale of indulges, multiple benefices, and much more.[3]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Church could not be trusted as much as it was meant to be.   As a matter of fact, the condition of religion in the sixteenth century was characterized by turmoil.   King Henry VIII of England created the Church of England in the year 1533 A.D. by splitting from the Roman Catholic Church.   Around the same time, the French Wars of Religion were waged between the Catholics and the Huguenots in France.[4]   How much confusion such chaos would have birthed in the minds of Western Christians with respect to their religion could only be imagined.   Christianity was, after all, supposed to be a religion of peace and unconditional love.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Western religion around 1500 A.D. was chiefly Christian, and the sixteenth century has been described as â€Å"probably the most intolerant period in Christian history.†[5]   It was not the scientists that were killed during this time because they came up with new ideas.   Rather, in the sixteenth century, there were thousands of people that were killed because they were called heretics by religionists.   Michael Servetus was only one such individual.   He was burned in 1553 A.D., alive, on the order of John Calvin in addition to the city authorities, because he had made theological speculations that Calvin believed to be falsehoods.[6]    To put it another way, the religious authorities of the time would not allow people even to deviate in their thinking with respect to religion.   Christians of the West were required to think of Christianity in the way that the religious authorities felt was appropriate.   Critical thinking or questioning was not allowed by any means.   What is more, the religious authorities were known to be corrupt enough for places of worship to be closed down.   Clarke writes:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In January, 1535, the newly appointed Vicar-General of the English Church, Thomas   Ã‚  Ã‚   Cromwell, sent out his agents to conduct a commission of enquiry into the character and value   Ã‚  Ã‚   of all ecclesiastical property in the kingdom.   Overtly, they were reformers, exercising the new   Ã‚  Ã‚   powers accorded to the Crown by the Act of Supremacy: from time to time to visit, repress,   Ã‚  Ã‚   redress, reform, order, correct, restrain and amend all such errors, heresies, abuses, offences,   Ã‚  Ã‚   contempts and enormities . . . which ought or may be lawfully reformed.   But Dr. Richard   Ã‚  Ã‚   Layton, Dr. Thomas Legh, Dr. John London, and the other tough-minded and venal officials   Ã‚  Ã‚   chosen for the job had no doubt what the Crown expected of them.   It took them only six   Ã‚  Ã‚   months to submit for Cromwells scrutiny an accurate and detailed tax-book, the Valor   Ã‚  Ã‚   Ecclesiasticus.   Along with it came evidence of corruption and scandalous immorality in   Ã‚  Ã‚   Englands monasteries.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Such evidence was not hard to find, for by the 16th century many of the religious houses   Ã‚  Ã‚   had long since lost their sense of purpose.[7] The religious turbulence of the sixteenth century was continued into the seventeenth century.   The government of England had become known for its harassment of Catholics as well as Jesuits.   On 20 May 1604, certain religious men began to plot the destruction of the government after having heard Mass.   One priest knew about the plot, and was made to pay the price of this knowledge later on.[8]   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The religious authorities of the Near and Far East were not facing religious turmoil around that time, however.   Nor were the people of the advanced civilizations of the Near and Far East being confronted with religious confusion.   Furthermore, scientists of the Near East were especially involved with their work during the sixteenth century, as for a number of centuries before.   The Ottoman astronomer, Taqi al-Din, created astronomical tables in the sixteenth century.   These tables were considered as accurate as the ones made by Tycho Brahe in Denmark during the same period of time.   All the same, the Ottomans are known to have ceased their support for scientific innovations and research a century later, as their priorities took a shift.[9]   The West, on the contrary, continued scientific explorations even after the sixteenth century. The East had maintained its religions.   It was only the West that had showed immense intolerance toward different religious beliefs and practices, even with respect to its own faith.   Whereas religious authorities stopped Westerners from thinking and reasoning, science opened up a new world for the ordinary people.   They were not called heretics because of their new scientific ideas.   Rather, people who came up with new scientific ideas were in the company of many others who came up with great new ideas in the scientific arena.   Giordano Bruno, Girolamo Cardano, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo, William Gilbert, Johannes Kepler, Paracelsus, John Napier, and Andreas Vesalius are only few of the important Western scientists of the sixteenth century. Besides, the same century saw the birthing of Copernicus’ theory, the import of new plant species from the Americas into Europe, and new inventions that revolutionized manufacturing and other features of living.   The wheel-lock musket, the helicopter, the spinning wheel, the pocket watch, the diving bell, the seed drill, the camera obscura, the knitting machine, the compound microscope, the Gregorian Calendar, and the enameling of pottery were all brought into the world in the sixteenth century.[10]   So, while religion disappointed people, science brought renewed hope of existence through new products and discoveries.   No scientist could be killed in the name of science.   Hence, science was safely meant to stay on in the West despite the good or bad luck of religion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Frykholm seems to have chosen the safe side, although believers in rapture may not believe in her safety in the afterlife.   According to the latter, this division would remain real until final judgment time.   The author of Rapture Culture, on the other hand, does not claim to understand the truth of religion as opposed to the truth of science. Bibliography Clark, L. The Dissolution of the Monasteries in the 16th Century. Retrieved Nov 16, 2007, from Frykholm, A. J. (2004). Rapture Culture: Left Behind in Evangelical America. New York:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oxford University Press. Hogge, A. (2005). God’s Secret Agents: Queen Elizabeth’s Forbidden Priests and the Hatching of the Gunpowder Plot. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. How the Idea of Religious Tolerance Came to the West. MacroHistory. Retrieved Nov 16, 2007, from Lewis, J. J. (1998). Women Saints: Doctors of the Church. London: Penguin. Timeline 16th Century. Magic Dragon Multimedia. Retrieved Nov 16, 2007, from Olin, J. (1990). Catholic Reformation: From Cardinal Ximenes to the Council of Trent, 1495- New York: Fordham University Press. Pollen, J. H. (2004). The Counter Reformation. The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: K.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Knight. [1] J. H. Pollen, â€Å"The Counter Reformation,†The Catholic Encyclopedia (New York: K. Knight, 2004). [2] Jone Johnson Lewis, Women Saints: Doctors of the Church (London: Penguin, 1998). [3] John Olin, Catholic Reformation: From Cardinal Ximenes to the Council of Trent, 1495-1563 (New York: Fordham University Press, 1990). [4] â€Å"Timeline 16th Century,† Magic Dragon Multimedia, available from; Internet; accessed 16 November 2007. [5] â€Å"How the Idea of Religious Tolerance Came to the West,† MacroHistory, available from; Internet; accessed 16 November 2007. [6] Ibid. [7] Lindsay Clarke, â€Å"The Dissolution of the Monasteries in the 16th Century,† available from; Internet; accessed 16 November 2007. [8] Alice Hogge, God’s Secret Agents: Queen Elizabeth’s Forbidden Priests and the Hatching of the Gunpowder Plot (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2005). [9] â€Å"Cutting-Edge Science in the Middle East;† available from; Internet; accessed 16 November 2007. [10] â€Å"Timeline.†

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Hymn of Creation Essay Example for Free

The Hymn of Creation Essay The Hymn of Creation gives a different perspective towards the concept of creation. Instead of instilling solid thoughts and concepts, it amuses and challenges the human mind. It wants its readers or listeners to think and expound on what its verses say about the beginning. The poem suggests that in the beginning there may be something or nothingness. It raises an air of uncertainty and humbleness even. What was in the beginning, how it looked like, who was behind everything, no one knows for sure. Only one thing is certain, somebody sometime ago created everything for the sake of some thing. It led to a flow of ideas and knowledge which started to flourish and this exists until now. This knowledge found light through the darkness. Thus, the idea of creation and other things about life came to be. However, no one knows for sure if the creator is really above, as we all know and believe, or under. No one knows who the creator is and where he is, but The Hymn of Creation tells us there is someone who is the master of all these. Someone who has the desire to create and the power to be fertile Still, questions fill the mystery of creation. No one knows how, when, and where it started, or even why. The poem claims that even Hindu gods, because they were born after the creation of all things, do not know the exact occurrence enveloping the mystery of creation despite their power. It is only the one above, the highest god, god of gods, who knows about it; but still that is not for sure. This shows that people just need to know and be reassured that there is a God; there is a Creator. The belief on a Supreme Being is enough. The poem also represents that people should be vigilant and not be gullible followers of concepts about how life came to be because no one, even Gods, really can tell and knows for sure how creation began. In the end, this tells us about one important thing about religion and spirituality: faith.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Science Fiction Characteristics

Science Fiction Characteristics Introduction Science fiction is one of the most popular branches in the modern literature. At the same time, the origin of science fiction literature dates back to ancient times, when ancient writer attempted to represent their ideas in fictional forms and unite these fictional forms with their knowledge of the real life. In the course of time, the science fiction literature evolved consistently but it remained always focused on the representation of ideas, concepts and beliefs of writers, which were different from those that dominated in the real life but which were often closely intertwined with the real life or represented an alternative to various real life issues, problems and beliefs. As a result, the science fiction is an extremely rich genre of literature, which allows writers to develop new concepts and ideas and present them in the literary form as an alternative vision of the real life presented by the writers. In this respect, it is possible to refer to science fiction literary works created by outstanding writers, such as George Orwell or Robert Sheckley, who created numerous science fiction literary works, which proved to be not only routine science fiction books but they were also a sort philosophic works created by writer to convey their ideas and warn the mankind about risks that accompanied the development of the contemporary civilization. The major characteristics of science fiction literature In actuality, science fiction is a very popular branch in the contemporary literature. In this respect, it is worth mentioning the fact that the emergence of science fiction literature is closely intertwined with the technological progress of the world, which stimulates science fiction writers to create new works, where they depict fictional worlds that derive from the ongoing progress of science and technology. At the same time, science fiction literary works do not necessarily involve a solid scientific basis on the ground of which a science fiction book is written. What is meant here is the fact that science and technology are not necessary for the creation of a science fiction literary work. Instead, the desire of a writer to present an alternative view or concept is crucial because it is through the creation of a fictional, science fiction story, the writer can express his or her alternative view or concept. In this respect, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that science and technology are important for the development of science fiction literature but they are not crucial. What is meant here is the fact that science and technology rather give science fiction writers an insight, an idea to create the form in which writers put certain content or message, which they want to convey to the audience. In fact, they use scientific discoveries and technologies as tools with the help of which they construct their science fiction stories and write their books, in which they convey their ideas and concepts. In fact, science and technology is not the core of science fiction books. Instead, science fiction writers use science and technology to foresee the further development of the world or to present their alternative vision of the development of the world, as well as potential threats the mankind can face in the future. In this respect, it is possible to refer to the genre of anti-utopia in science fiction literature, which impact is particularly strong on works of Orwell and Sheckley as well. In such a way, science fiction literary works focus mainly on the development of alternative ideas, views, and concepts. Science fiction writers attempt to pose and answer the question what if and in the course of their works they suggest their ideas on the alternative development of the world, society, technologies and so on. Thus, science fiction literary works represent a kind of blend of fact and fancy, where science and technology are facts that lay the foundation on the ground of which writers develop their fancies and create their fancied world, which are different from the real world and the real life. Orwells 1984 On analyzing the development of science fiction literary works in the 20th century, it is hardly possible to ignore works created by George Orwell, whose contribution in the development of science fiction literature at large and anti-utopia in particular can hardly be underestimated. In this respect, it is possible to refer to one of the most popular and renowned works written by George Orwell, 1984. 1984 by George Orwell may be viewed as a classical example of a science fiction literary work because the entire work represents the vision of the new world fancied by George Orwell on the premise that the entire world has entered a new stage of its development, when the totalitarian regime establishes and rules the world. In fact, the author shows how the technologically advanced society is doomed to moral degradation, when the totalitarian regime establishes the rules of the life of the entire society, when people are not able or willing to learn the truth, where they cannot speak free ly and they cannot express their ideas and share them with each other. In this regard, George Orwell does not create just a fictional world. Instead, he constructs the new world on the ground of the totalitarian regimes that existed in Europe during World War II and in the post-war time. In such a way, his science fiction story is based on the analysis of the current situation, past and forecasts concerning the future society made by the author in his book. What is meant here is the fact that George Orwell created his 1984 as a warning to the society concerning the risk of neglecting democratic rights and liberties and oppression of individuals by the state. The fancied world created by George Orwell depicts vividly horrors of the totalitarian regime and total control over the life and behavior of individuals. The author shows clearly that the total surveillance and control lead to the degradation of the society, deprivation of basic humanistic values and the establishment of a severe regime, where individuals play the role of puppets, mechanisms perfor ming a set of functions conditioned by the state. In such a context, the equality and happiness promoted by the ruling elite are ironic, taking into consideration the privileged position of the ruling class depicted by the author in his book. At this point, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that this fictional book implies the real world and the existing social injustice and inequality, which the author criticizes and condemns in his science fiction book through the image of the Big Brother and the ruling party. On the other hand, the book depicts Great Britain, London ruined by the war which goes on permanently. In this regard, the author attempts to forecast the effects of World War III on the world and the life of the society. No wonder he reminds that who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past (Orwell, 2). Therefore, the author depicts his vision of the alternative development of the world, if the world slips toward totalitarianism and oppression of basic human rights and liberties. Orwells Animal Farm Animal Farm by George Orwell is another science fiction literary work which is, to a certain extent, similar to 1984 in terms of the critical analysis and condemnation of the totalitarian regime and society. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that Animal Farm is the allegoric representation of the rise and establishment of Communist in the world in terms of the particular farm where animals rise against the rule of humans and establish their own state. In actuality, the allegory was not a mere fancy of George Orwell. Instead, the book was based on the analysis of the Communist regime in the USSR conducted by George Orwell. He analyzed critically the utopian ideals of communism and represented it as animalism in his novel. In such a way, his science fiction book represents a combination of facts and fancy for the actual totalitarian regime and ideology influencing the development of the contemporary world was depicted critically, if not to say sarcastically, by the author in his Animal Farm. Similarly to 1984, George Orwell depicts the slip of the society toward totalitarianism. In fact, the author shows the negative impact of totalitarianism on the life of an individual. In this respect, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that his allegoric society in Animal Farm as well as the fancied society in 1984 mirror actual totalitarian regimes existing in the world, when both novels were written. Sheckleys Status Civilization George Orwell was a representative of the anti-utopian trends in science fiction literature in the 20th century. At the same time, his ideas influenced works of other writers. In this regard, Robert Sheckley was, to a certain extent, similar to George Orwell because he used science fiction literary works to depict his vision of the life of the society in the future. His Status Civilization is a particularly noteworthy science fiction literary work in terms of the depiction of the new type of society by the author. Unlike George Orwell, who depicts drawbacks and horrors of the totalitarian state, Robert Sheckley shows two sides of the worlds which exists next to each other. In fact, in his book Status Civilization, Robert Sheckley juxtaposes two antagonistic poles, two societies established on the similar ground but with a different inclination. To put it more precisely, Sheckley depicts Omega, where people has developed the cult of Evil, where they have to kill, steal and commit other crimes to make sense of their life and to worship the cult of Evil, whereas the Earth is a degrading planet, where people live in a presumably just world, where all people are equal and happy. In this regard, the Earth depicted by Robert Sheckley in his Status Civilization reminds George Orwells Animal Farm with its fundamental principle: All animals are equal but some are more equal than others. In Status Civilization, people inhabiting the Earth are not really equal and the society is not really just because pe ople may live in poverty and believe that they belong to the middle-class, which they define as the low-middle class, for instance. At the same time, the society depicted by Sheckley is not a mere fancy of the writer but it mirrors the actual society, divided into distinct classes, where a few people rule, whereas the majority represents the middle class and many live in poverty. In other words, similarly to Orwells science fiction literary works, Sheckleys fancied world has the ground in the real life. Thus, his work is based on facts, which are backed up with fancies Sheckely brings in to show readers prospects of the contemporary society which may slip to degradation and to the life in the world conditioned by robots or to the life in the world where people makes cult of Evil. In such a way, as a science fiction literary work, Status Civilization combines facts and fancy. Sheckleys Journey beyond Tomorrow The idea of the absurd society, like the society worshiping Evil, can be traced not only in Status Civilization, but in other works written by Robert Sheckley as well, such as Journey beyond Tomorrow. Journey beyond Tomorrow is another science fiction work, which depicts the future society, where technologies have reached a high level of development but the society depicted by the author is still full of absurd extremes. For instance, the main character is imprisoned by the existing justice system but freed on the ground of the decision taken by the electronic oracle. In such a way, Journey beyond Tomorrow is another science fiction work which shows the alternative view of the writer on the society and the development of the mankind. Sheckley takes facts from the contemporary life and uses his fancy to modify and create the future society, which is totally different from the contemporary one. Conclusion Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that science fiction literary works represent a combination of facts and fancy, where science and technology serve as tools with the help of which science fiction writers depict new worlds and new societies. Often writers depict their vision of the future society. Anyway, they create a fictional world, where the fancy is closely intertwined with some real facts taken from the real life but they are modified to the extent that the outcomes of writers fancies make the society and world described unique and different from real ones. At the same time, science fiction literary works represent views and ideas of science fiction writers, who attempt to create alternatives to the real world, where impossible is possible. On the other hand, many science fiction works, like 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell or Status Civilization by Robert Sheckely, warn the public against the development of negative trends in the contemporary society and the prevention of potential risks and threats to the normal life of individuals in the future.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Go Ask Alice Essay -- essays research papers

Go Ask Alice Have you ever had a problem? I'm sure you have because everybody sometime in there life does. The book I read Go Ask Alice by an anonymous author is all about problems, conflicts, and how to deal with them. I would give a lot of information on the author if that was possible, but the author is anonymous so I can not do so. From the very first page I had a hunch that this book was about a drug addiction problem. "SUGAR & SPICE & EVERYTHING NICE; ACID & SMACK & NO WAY BACK" (page 1). That was a very moving quote for me. I am not sure exactly why but I guess because it shows how dangerous drugs can be. This book is based on a true diary of a young girl who got mixed up in the drug world. Alice bought a diary because she had a big secret that she could never tell any of her friends. It really only ended up being that a boy named Roger she was in love with stood her up and she would be to embraced to tell her friends. She makes a big deal out of it, I can already tell she is dramatic. Her birthday is only five days apart from mine, that is a weird coincidence. From September 19 through September 25 she goes on about how nothing every happens in her life. She does not enjoy her teachers, subjects and school. She thinks everything is losing interest and everything's dull. I think she just is going through the "teenager blues". Julie Brown had a party but she didn't go because she gained seven whole pounds. I don't think that seven pounds is a big deal. On September 30th her father was invited to be the "Dean of Political Science at --------- ". She says that she is gonna become a new person by time she gets her new house and that it is gonna be so great. Good maybe now she will quit crying about her dull life. She says that she is gonna exercise every morning, eat right, clean my skin (what she never had a bath before), be optimistic, cheerful and positive. Why couldn't she of just done all that in the house she lived in before she moved. Sorry I am being so negative, but this girl is a little cry baby and she... ...cter who wrote the diary was Alice. She buys a new diary symbolizing her getting a new life, a fresh start, another chance to succeed. She is clean and back at home and going to school. She met a boy named Joel that she falls in love with. Her grandmother died (July 16). School got out and there was a party where there would be drugs at but she didn't go. She was given acid in a peanut and she had a bad trip. It drove her insane so she started pulling out her hair, stabbing herself and mentally falling apart. She was put in a mental hospital. Later she was released. She decided that when this diary filled up she was not going to get another because is old enough and mature enough to be able to talk to other people instead of keeping it all bundled up in a little book. Epilogue: She died three weeks after deciding not to keep another diary of a drug overdose, it is not known if it is premeditated, accidental or what.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Computer Crime Essay -- Technology

The introduction of computers in to the modern household has brought with it new moral issues. In the last 10 years computers have become increasingly cheaper to buy, due to huge technological advances and fierce competition, driving prices down. It the wake of the computer revolution the internet has followed quickly, becoming faster, cheaper and more accessible. With these technological advances the world has become increasingly smaller enabling piracy and file sharing to become common practice. Society now has many new issues to work through, from invasion of privacy to the copying of movies and hacking. To define exactly what computer ethics is a difficult task due to it being tied to an evolving technology, the field changes whenever the technology changes. Computer ethics did not truly exist as an ethical discipline until the 1970’s. Walter Maner was the first to use such a term stating it as â€Å"ethical problems aggravated, transformed or created by computer technology† [Maner, 1978]. While new ethical problems have arisen he also stated that old or existing problems have been made worse due to the expansion of information technology. Since then, several people have had different views on what computer ethics actually is. In 1985 Deborah Johnson wrote a book entitled Computer ethics. It defined computer ethics as the study that â€Å"pose new versions of standard moral problems and moral dilemmas, exacerbating the old problems, and forcing us to apply ordinary moral norms in uncharted realms† [Johnson, 1985]. Johnson was similar to that of Maner however; she did not believe computers created new ethical issues. Instead, recommending computers solely altered the existing issues by giving them a â€Å"twist†. The best defini... ...arter Kit in Computer Ethics, Helvetia Press (published in cooperation with the National Information and Resource Center for Teaching Philosophy). [Originally self-published by Maner in 1978.] Moor, James H. (1985) "What Is Computer Ethics?" In Bynum, Terrell Ward, ed. (1985) Computers and Ethics, Blackwell, 266-75. [Published as the October 1985 issue of Metaphilosophy.] Spafford, Eugene, et al. (1989) Computer Viruses: Dealing with Electronic Vandalism and Programmed Threats, ADAPSO. Tavani, Herman T. (1999) "Privacy On-Line," Computers and Society, Vol. 29, No. 4, 11-19. TechWeb. (April 15, 2004) "Average PC plauged with 28 pieces of Spyware" (CMP), Avaliable: (Acessed: September 17, 2005) Webster's New Millenniumâ„ ¢ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.6) Copyright  © 2003-2005 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Characters in Animal Farm Essay

The over worked and malnourished animals over throw the humans in charge and took power; only to find that the obligation of freedom maybe more dangerous. Out of all the animals, however, one is sure to stand out. That animal is Boxer, the farm’s hardest and strongest worker. George Orwell’s novel, Animal Farm, is an allegory that reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917, and then on into the Stalinist Era in the Soviet Union. Through a depiction of Boxer, George Orwell allows the reader to make a discernment of the Russian proletariat’s loyalty and hardworking skills, by presenting him as an allegiant, reputable, diligent worker. From the beginning to the end, Boxer remains a diligent worker despite the abundance of toil. After the Rebellion, â€Å"Boxer [seems] more like three horses than one; [and] there [are] days when the entire work of the farm seems to rest on his mighty shoulders.† (46) Therefore, Boxer is precisely the hardest worker on the farm for the reason that he agrees to do the majority of the labor on the farm. In comparison to Mollie and Moses, who depart from the farm without doing any work, Boxer agrees to do additional tasks. Furthermore, after Boxer’s severe depravity, â€Å"Boxer [refuses] to take even a day off work, and [makes] it a point of honor not to let it be seen that he [is] in pain.† (114) Thus, Boxer is an eager worker for the reason that he never renounces his job. On the contrary, Mollie â€Å"[is] late for work every morning and [excuses] herself by saying that she [has] overslept.† This proves that Boxer loves to work. When the going gets bad he sees working as the solution. Boxer is truly the farm’s hero because of his hard work. In addition to his resolution to work harder, Boxer demonstrates fidelity. After Snowball’s expulsion, Boxer is worried about the farm, but he is not smart enough to figure things out on his own. Rather than thinking for himself, Boxer forces himself to believe others. Boxer tries to think things  over for himself, but all he can come up with is, â€Å"If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right,† and he takes up a new personal motto: â€Å"I will work harder.† (70) For this reason, Boxer illustrates allegiance for coinciding with authority. Furthermore, when Napoleon begins executing other animals, Boxer can only say, â€Å"I would not have believed that such things could happen on our farm. It must be due to some fault in ourselves. The solution, as I see it, is to work harder.† (94) Therefore, Boxer is devoted considering that he always falls back on his personal motto: Napoleon is always right. Boxer is loyal to the farm animals and allegiance is w hat makes a worker a good worker. Throughout the most troublesome times on Animal Farm, Boxer is praised by the animals. As time goes on, the animals are much inspired by Boxer’s work ethic than by Squealer’s clever speeches. â€Å"With his tremendous muscles [Boxer] always [pulls] them through. Boxer [is] the admiration of everybody.† (46) Hence, Boxer is admired by the other animals for the reason that he is an inspiration for them. Unlike the pigs who are considered the most intelligent, it is Boxer, who commands the animals simply because of his work ethic. Moreover, during the winter, little progress is made; the animals can not feel so impelled about it as they felt before. However Boxer never loses heart, â€Å"the other animals [find] more inspiration in Boxer’s strength and his never-failing cry of ‘I will work harder!’† (85) Ultimately, Boxer is honored by the other animals as a result of the animals being propelled by Boxer. In comparison to Squealer’s adroit speeches, the other animals find more inspiration in Boxer. This clearly identifies that Boxer’s role and personality is highly respected by the animals. These are just some of the examples that prove why Boxer is am allegiant, reputable, diligent worker. These three traits are what make Boxer unique. Unfortunately, his loyalty makes him easy to manipulate. Boxer is a very important character and without him Animal Farm would not exist. Boxer is the one who gives everyone hope and a reason to work harder. For these reasons Boxer is the farm’s hero and is one of the most beloved characters in Animal Farm.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Library Management System Essay

Introduction The primary purpose of this study about Library System is to show how the system helps the librarians, the students and faculties. The study focuses on borrowing and returning process of the books. The role of the integrated library system is, and always has been, to help manage the effective delivery of library services. This has traditionally been anchored on the management of the catalogue and physical collection. Background of the Study. Library Borrowing/Returning System is a process of organizing important information, used to track items borrowed, and the scheduled time for returning. This system help users or people who responsible in recording the data appropriately, it also saves time and more convenient to use than the traditional manual recording. Lack of library system in a school can lead to chaos and troubles, and because of it the librarian is having a problem to serve each students and faculties who wish to use the library. It is extremely useful in the school to use that automated system. Objectives of the Study General Objective: the general objective of this study is to design and develop a library system that will serve as a proposal to help librarians save time with the automation of its daily operation. Specific Objectives: * To computerize records keeping of books; * To allow librarians to retrieve complete information of the book and its borrowers Hypothesis of the Study The proposed library system will greatly improve the efficiency of the school library. This study has the following hypothesis: The profiles of the respondents taken are their names, student number, year and section, and title and author of the book borrowed. The manual system is very time consuming, inconvenient when it comes to recording, organizing and retrieving borrower’s record in the log book. The proposed system is the best solution to go away with the old method of data keeping such as log books, folders and file cabinets, which do not allow easy retrieval. Not only the records are more accurate, the library can also accommodate more borrowers than before. Statement of the Problem Specifically, this study aims to answer the following: 1. What are the profiles of the respondents in terms off; 2. 1. Names 2. 2. Year and section 2. 3. Title and author of the book borrowed 2. What are the common problems encountered with the existing manual system of managing library? 3. What are the difference between the manual system and the proposed system? Assumptions The proposed system deals with the management of data taken from the library management such as the log book of the library. Reports that generated by the proposed system are limited to predefined reports to be provided by the user such as their manual way of managing the library, while no ad-hoc reports will be provided. On security, the proposed system allows access to unauthorized users. It can only be operated if the user provides user name and password which is already validated by the database administrator of the system to be assigned by authorized personnel. Students, however, may borrow books without opening restricted files. Significance of the Study. Socio-economic Significance In this study, the proposed system will inspire other students to develop an effective and efficient system. Technological Significance The proposed system will introduce technology to the school libraries that are until now adapting manual method. The result of this study is beneficial to the following: * Library. The proposed system will simplify and automate everyday task can help maximize time spent with the borrowers thereby providing better service making it more profitable. * Librarian. The proposed system will make it easier for the librarian to manage the library and convenient when it comes to retrieving book record. * Students. The proposed system will make it easier for the students to borrow books and to lessen their time in borrowing. * Researcher. The researcher will develop their writing, analysis, and interpretation skills needed to make a good thesis. * Future researcher. This will benefit other researchers who wish to have similar studies as they can get background information from the result of this study which will serve as template to modify their research.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Effectiveness Of Multiple Intelligences

The intent of this survey was to look into the relationship between listening comprehension and multiple intelligences linguistic communication instruction ( MILT ) . Twelve experimental categories have been conducted affecting eight pupils whose ages ranged from 7 to 9. One group worked with the MI plan and the other group worked with traditional direction. The Standard Listening Test, interviews, studies, and pupil self-evaluations were used to analyse the information. Analysis of informations revealed that there was a low positive relationship between listening tonss and the MI plan. Multiple intelligences linguistic communication learning encourages them to take part stuffs in conformity with learning penchants and their intelligences. These consequences provide important deductions for foreign linguistic communication instructors to avoid bettering merely one intelligence type and to cover assorted intelligences types to fulfill all mark pupils. Traditionally, our schools and civilization have focused most of their attending on lingual and logical-mathematical intelligence. However, Dr. Gardner develops new points of position for the construct of human intelligences which consist of many different aptitudes and accomplishments. Therefore, people should besides set the same consideration on persons who show gifts in the other intelligences: the creative persons, designers, instrumentalists, naturalists, interior decorators, terpsichoreans, healers, enterprisers. As a affair of a fact, many pupils who have these endowments do non make their potencies and do non have much attending in school. The MI plan introduces a peculiar linguistic communication educational construct in a manner kids can develop their linguistic communication proficiency easy, rapidly, and efficaciously. It provides the chance to larn in ways harmonious with their alone heads every bit good as ways that kids are most likely to larn. It suggests that instructors should learn their lessons in a broad assortment of ways utilizing music, art activities, kinaesthetic activities, concerted acquisition, function drama, multimedia, field trips, interior contemplation, and much more to pull as many pupils who have different gifts as possible. Fortunately, many pedagogues give attending to the theory of multiple intelligences, and 100s of schools are presently utilizing this methodological analysis to reflect on their course of study and redesign the course of study. The theory of MI assumes that people have at least seven different intelligences that human existences have in changing grades. This research used a particular MI checklist which was designed to prove pupils on seven separate intelligence dimensions. Seven techniques to learn besides helped them make up one's mind their preferable or dominant intelligences and supported the pupils to go more confident through seven corner activities during the experimental categories. Successful experiences of the MI plan could reassign other productive effects of larning. The MI plan would be valuable that it could heighten each person ‘s possible and exultant experiences through the course of study which reflects different single intelligences and variegation of learning schemes. The purpose of this survey is to detect whether pupils practising listening through the MI plan improve more than those pupils practising with a traditional attack. So the present survey addresses the undermentioned inquiry: Are there any important differences in listening comprehension between ESL scholars utilizing the â€Å" MI plan † vs. ESL scholars utilizing traditional direction? Literature Review In 1993, Howard Gardner published a book that challenge the manner intelligence was perceived and studied until so. He criticized that intelligences had been focused excessively much on a individual factor and familial heritage, via paper-and-pen trials. He alternatively insisted that human intelligences, the ability to work out jobs, could non be evaluated precisely by traditional IQ trials. He suggested a Multiple Intelligence ( MI ) Theory, means that ; all worlds have multiple intelligences including mathematical, lingual, musical, spacial, kinaesthetic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal intelligences. The abilities vary depending on the person. The seven intelligences as suggested by Gardner ( 1993 ) are as follows: a. Linguistic intelligence, which refers to the esthesia to the spoken and written word and the ability to utilize linguistic communication to show significance, and to actuate and carry others to make specific ends. B. Mathematical intelligence, which refers to the ability to cipher, to grok maps, and to work out jobs and other complex logical systems. c. Musical intelligence, which refers to the sensitiveness to chant, tune, beat and the ability to hold a right apprehension of the signifiers of music and to make musical signifiers. d. Spatial intelligence, which refers to the sensitiveness to determine, colour, line, infinite and the ability to use ocular images accurately to make the ocular universe on paper. e. Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence, which refers to the ability to utilize the organic structure in a skilled manner to pass on their thoughts and specific physical accomplishments such as balance, coordination and velocity for self-expression or to carry through a end. f. Interpersonal intelligence, which refers to the ability to grok other desires and motives, and interact efficaciously to tempers and state of affairss. g. Intrapersonal intelligence, which refers to the ability of self-knowledge for one ‘s feelings, emotions, and beliefs to be after and direct one ‘s life. In subsequently plants Gardner ( 1999 ) applied the Multiple Intelligence ( MI ) theory in the educational field at establishments such as Humanistic disciplines Profel, Key School, and Project Spectrum. He introduced his educational proposal that each pupil could larn more successfully when being taught with focal point on intelligence spheres through his MI schools. He suggested that people should understand the multiple intelligences of each person, develop his or her possible possibilities, and work out jobs utilizing strong intelligences. Furthermore, the MI theory contributed to the linguistic communication development of pupils, helped them to better their positive acquisition attitudes, and affected productive interaction between the instructor and pupils. Gardner ( 1993 ) suggested four important deductions in the MI theory. He suggested that all people own seven intelligences and â€Å" most people can come on their intelligences to an mean degree † ( 1993, Gardner ) . Most people normally incorporate many intelligences at one clip in complicated ways. There are assorted tracts to develop people ‘s intelligences in each class. The best manner to plan course of study using MI theory is by believing about how we can interpret the stuff from one intelligence to other intelligences ( 1993, Gardner ) . The following seven stairss propose as efficient manner to plan curriculum units using MI theory. â€Å" The instructor may concentrate on a specific subject and inquire cardinal MI inquiries. Then, the instructor may see the possibilities and brainstorm thoughts and choice appropriate activities. Finally, he or she may put up a consecutive degree and implement the program † ( 1993, Gardner ) . Since all pupils have different penchants in the seven intelligences, there are no perfect schemes to fulfill all pupils at all times. Using a assortment of learning schemes can be a powerful tool to develop pupils because they have different intelligences, demands, and penchants. Lazear ( 1994 ) suggested the following some schemes by which intelligences can be taught. Verbal /Linguistic intelligence The utile schemes of lingual intelligences may include storytelling, brainstorming, tape recording, poesy, argument, diary authorship, and publication. Logical/mathematical intelligence The effectual schemes of mathematical intelligences may include computations and quantifications, categorizations, sequences, pattern games, and scientific discipline thought. Visual/spatial intelligence The valuable schemes of spacial intelligences may include visual image, mind-mapping, designs, thought sketching, and in writing symbols. Bodily/kinesthetic intelligence The helpful schemes of bodily/kinesthetic intelligences may include organic structure replies, the Classroom Theater, kinaesthetic constructs, organic structure linguistic communication, mummer, and custodies on thought. Musical intelligence The utile schemes of musical intelligences may include utilizing rhythms, vocals, chants, discographies, humming, musical constructs, and music public presentations. Interpersonal intelligence The effectual schemes of interpersonal intelligences may include equal sharing, people sculptures, concerted groups, board games, individual to individual communications, and simulations. Intrapersonal intelligence The helpful schemes of intrapersonal intelligences may include one-minute contemplation periods, concentration accomplishments, pick clip, feeling-tones minutes, and end scene Sessionss. The MI plan maximizes the efficiency of acquisition by utilizing pupils multiple intelligences harmonizing to involvement, strength, and aptitude. Many researches have investigated the relationship between linguistic communication proficiency and the MI plan. Abdulkader ( 2009 ) suggested the effectivity of the MI plan employed in developing reading accomplishments such as word acknowledgment accomplishments and reading comprehension accomplishments in 60 5th class acquisition handicapped pupils. Furthermore, the MI plan can optimise motive and heighten memory acceleration ( Suan, 2009 ) . MI activities may heighten the acquisition procedure in the employment of larning schemes based on mathematical intelligence such as analysing sentences and larning schemes based on interpersonal intelligence such as treatment. Kim ( 2008 ) investigated the positive influences of MI theory on Korean schools by in-depth and concentrate group interviews. The pupils who participated MI plan developed positive learning attitude and self-pride and expanded pupils ‘ intelligence profile. Im ( 2003 ) advocated that there was important correlativity between trial tonss and spacial, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligence and a important difference in pupils ‘ involvement, preparedness, engagement in category and autonomous learning attitude. â€Å" There was no important difference in trial tonss between the midterm test and concluding test but there was a important difference in MI portfolio appraisal tonss between the first and the last appraisal † ( Im, 2003 ) . However, there are few researches about listening accomplishments utilizing the MI plan reverse to reading and composing accomplishments. It is important to demo the relation of Multiple Intelligences Theory and listening accomplishments for ESL scholars. Listening is a powerful accomplishment which enhances the other accomplishments in 2nd linguistic communication acquisition. â€Å" Listening and reading are secondary accomplishments, agencies to other terminals, instead than terminals in themselves † ( 1999, Nunan ) . It is natural for a native talker to hold automatic hearing accomplishments, contrary to ESL scholars. Choi ( 2000 ) suggested that listening ability and attitude would be improved through the MI Program. He proposed that the MI plan was a successful for EFL pupils to better speech production and listening accomplishments and do pupils take part dynamically in a learning process with a assurance. The participants tried to utilize many words and spoke aloud and clearly during their presentation. Their comprehension of listening improved. Saricaoglu ( 2009 ) advocated the thought that there was a important relationship between a peculiar type of intelligence and accomplishment in grammar, hearing, and reading. His consequence showed that there was a high positive relationship between listening tonss and musical intelligences. Kim ( 2002 ) found that communicative competency including hearing and talking improved by using the MI plan for 5th grade pupils. The MI direction group showed a important betterment in listening and talking tonss instead than in traditional direction group. The research is strongly needed to look into hearing accomplishments utilizing the MI plan for ESL/EFL scholars since hearing is hard and a important basic accomplishment for ESL scholars contrary to native talkers. That is the ground that the listening accomplishments consequences about MI researches in the other states such as Korea, Turkey, and Japan are more than English speech production states. Method Participants Eight pupils ( four male ) with high novice proficiency degree participated in the present survey. Participants were chosen by the research worker as holding the same native linguistic communication ( Korean ) and similar English proficiency through a diagnosing trial. The participants, whose ages ranged from 7 to 9, have been in the United States less than 6 months. Students were indiscriminately classified into two groups: one group worked with the MI plan and the other group worked with the traditional direction. Procedure The MI plan was conducted for enduring 45 proceedingss each session, two times per hebdomad, for six hebdomads. Both groups were taught with the same frequence. Over these Sessionss the pupils of one group learned from a text edition utilizing the MI plan. The pupils completed MI activities by listening to other pupils ‘ speak and by talking their thoughts. Instructional methods based on the MI theory were devised, applied, and redesigned to the mark pupils. In add-on, pupils were allowed to work together the MI activities, and the teacher gave aid and mold. The seven intelligences were employed in all Sessionss, such as brainstorming, mathematical job resolution, utilizing illustrations, doing marks, function drama, organic structure motion, vocal and chant, collaborative working, measuring ain thought, and single contemplation. During the first session ( first three hebdomads ) , pupils experienced all seven MI groups. During the 2nd session ( the following 3 hebdomads ) , pu pils were allowed to take the Multiple Intelligences activities they wanted. The other group was taught by traditional direction with a text book, such as reading aloud, making inquiries and replies, and make fulling out press releases. Teacher-centered acquisition, such as traditional mini lessons about book context was conducted. 3. Materials and informations aggregation To transport out the experiment, books were redesigned and course of study was developed by concentrating on a specific subject and cardinal MI inquiries. Besides, appropriate MI activities were set up consecutive harmonizing to pupils ‘ involvement, proficiency degree, and demand. An instructional method based on the multiple intelligences theory was devised and applied. For the traditional direction, the lesson program was implemented in progress harmonizing to pupils ‘ degree and stuffs and appraisal were developed in progress. The standard listening trial of the Korea Minister of Education was conducted for dependable informations of the pre-test and post-test. It included the content of experiment learning with a entire mark of 100. In add-on, the research employed both structured and unstructured interviews, and pupil self-evaluations. After the experiment, a study was administered and the effectivity and the learning result of the experimental method will be analyzed. Consequences The inquiry in this survey investigated the differences in listening tonss between MI direction and traditional direction. The research worker used a pre-test and post-test of listening comprehension to verify this inquiry. The tabular array 1 shows that there is small difference in station trial tonss between MILT and traditional direction. The pre-test mean of MILT was 82.0 points and the pre-test mean of traditional direction was 83.0 points. The tabular array shows that there are positive differences in post-test mean tonss between the experimental group ( M = 87.5 ) and the control group ( M = 85.0 ) in the listening trial. Table 1. pre-test and station trial consequence between MILT and Traditional Instruction Milt Traditional Direction Capable pre-test station trial subjectaˆˆ pre-test station trial A1 84 90 B1 82 84 A2 82 88 B2 84 86 A3 80 84 B3 86 88 A4 82 88 B4 80 82 amount 328 350 entire 332 338 mean 82 87.5 mean 83 85.0 The chart below shows that both groups improved their hearing tonss in the station -test. The mean of both group ‘s pretest was 82.5 and that of station trial was 86.3. However, the MI group achieved somewhat more additions in listening trial tonss, compared to the control group.Chart 1. The comparing between pretest and station trial of each groupThe research worker used the T-test to analyze the way of this significance. The information shows that there is a low relationship between the post-test tonss and MILT ( P & lt ; .0.37 ) . The SD of both groups were similar. SD of Multiple intelligence group was 2.52 and SD of traditional direction group was 2.58.Table 2. T-test consequences for the differences in station trial tonss between experimental and control groups in the listening trial.Group Nitrogen Mean South dakota T-Test Milt 4 87.5 2.52 0.37 Traditional direction 4 85 2.58DiscussionsThe chief aim of the present survey was to research whether there were important differences in the listening trial between utilizing MI Program and traditional plan. Consequences indicated that there was a low positive relationship between listening tonss and the MI plan. Choi ( 2000 ) , Saricaoglu ( 2009 ) , and Kim ( 2002 ) showed a high positive relationship between an addition in listening tonss and the MI plan. Contrary to their research, using the MI plan might lend to bettering listening comprehension, but there was no high positive correlativity due to the short research period. Harmonizing to their interviews, studies, and observations of category, they participated in MI larning actively compared to the traditional categories. Besides, they reported more ennui when they were taught harmonizing to merely one intelligence type. These consequences provide important deductions for foreign linguistic communication instructors to avoid bettering merely one intelligence type of the pupils and to cover assorted intelligence types to fulfill all mark pupils. This survey ‘s inquiry was on the relationship between the MI direction and listening comprehension between ESL scholars. The consequence showed a low positive relationship. The findings including pupils ‘ interviews and a study suggested that multiple intelligences linguistic communication instruction ( MILT ) can be applied to ESL scholars ‘ English categories. MILT allows pupils to take part in bespoke survey and content to custom-make it to their involvements. This effort provides pupils with a sense of achievement, assurance, and positive acquisition attitudes. Children participated more actively and it promoted their interaction among other pupils. Ultimately, it somewhat developed their listening competency. Therefore, farther surveies should be conducted about the relationship between listening accomplishments and MI direction including long term research and more participants. Furthermore, it would be meaningful research if it finds any relationship and analysis of intelligences types and pupils ‘ success in linguistic communication accomplishments including hearing, speech production, reading, and composing.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Good and Evil and Beowulf Essay

Beowulf is the most famous epic of the Anglo-Saxon period. This is a story of an epic hero who fights against the most sinister monsters known to man. Beowulf and Grendel are the main characters of this tale; they are the perfect example of good versus evil, light versus dark, and hero versus villain. Beowulf is the story all epic hero stories have followed; the Beowulf with his hero qualities goes head to head with Grendel. Heroes and villains share a lot of qualities but a number of key characteristics set them apart. Heroes as well as villains above all are abnormal; they share their own specific goals and are often very intelligent and capable of achieving what they want or need to achieve. Both types of these individuals are often warrior like and of unique or even divine like powers and weapons. Despite sharing these characteristics they are not similar in their desires. Heroes fight on the side of right, they fight for the good of man and they fight for the safety of society. Villains fight for evil; they do not care about innocent people being injured by their actions and only seek self satisfaction. Villains recklessly murder anyone who gets in their way and the only ones who can stop them are heroes like Beowulf. Beowulf is a shining example of an epic hero who fights against the evils of the Geats. Beowulf is a warrior who praises god and aims to kill the monsters that plague his people. â€Å"Bravest and the best of the Geats,† Beowulf is a superhuman warrior who is out to kill the likes of Grendel for fame and glory. Grendel is the most sinister monster known to the Geats, he strikes fear into their hearts because of what he has done to innocent people. Grendel is an ugly and despicable monster who â€Å"has hands forged in hell† (ll. 64). Grendel is the enemy of mankind and specifically Beowulf, he is the â€Å"shadow of death† and lusts for evil (ll. 74). The conflict between Grendel and Beowulf is not one that is just a battle of fame or pleasure but one of righteousness and wrong. Beowulf must defeat Grendel for all of the evil he has committed and to honor those who have died defending themselves from this creature born in the depths of hell.

Application Of Driver State Monitoring Systems (Dms)

Application Of Driver State Monitoring Systems (Dms) The term ‘driver state’ has no specific universal definition and is loosely used in the fields of Psychology and Engineering. In general, driver state refers to a set of conditions that affect the driver in a specific instance. Drivers in an optimal state do not suffer from any condition. Vehicle control transition is very important for the success of Highly Automated Driving (HAD). In an ideal scenario, human driver will be attentive to the Driving scene during Take Over Request (TOR). Recent advancements, along with higher levels of automation has made it possible for the driver to be in distracted, inattentive, or even fatigued state. Under similar driving scenario and automation behavior, a driver with some sort of impairment will have poorer performance tackling the situation than when in ideal state. Researches showed that distracted drivers had higher difficulty to adjust speed to a critical event than attentive drivers. Driver State Monitoring Systems (DMS) monitors and collects observable information on the driver, which can be used to determine his/her driving state. It is used, among other things, for active safety, adaptive Human Machine Interface (HMI), and annoyance reduction for false positive notifications in HAD. Electrodermal Activity Electrodermal activity (EDA) is the autonomous changes in electrical properties of the skin, of which, skin conductance is the most widely used property. To measure skin conductance, an electrical potential is applied between two points on the skin, and the resulting current flow between them is measured. This includes both background tonic (Skin Conductance Level or SCL) and rapid phasic components (Skin Conductance Responses or SCRs) that result from sympathetic neuronal activity. It is useful in measuring sympathetic arousal that are tractable to emotional and cognitive states. It is associated with autonomic emotional and cognitive processing. Autonomous nervous system (ANS) generally controls the body’s unconscious actions. Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) prepares body for intense physical activity and is responsible for fight or flight responses whereas parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS) is generally associated with homeostasis and when the body is at rest, while being responsible for rest and digest functions. Some emotional responses may occur without conscious awareness or cognitive intend. EDA can be used to examine such responses (i.e., threat, anticipation, salience, novelty). Recent research has shown that EDA is also a useful indicator of attentional processing per-se, where salient stimuli and resource demanding tasks evoke increased EDA responses. There are two main components to EDA. The slower acting components the overall level, slow climbing, slow declinations over time) are known as general tonic EDA. Skin Conductance Level (SCL) is the most common measure for this and changes in the SCL are thought to reflect general changes in autonomic arousal. The faster changing elements of the signal correspond to the Phasic component, also known as Skin Conductance Response (SCR). SCRs are generally associated with startle reflex or startle response. Recent evidence suggests that both components are important and may rely on different neural mechanisms. Empatica E4 wrist band is the common device used in ITS Leeds for psychophysiological data collection, giving EDA.csv files with Unix timestamp and sampling frequency of 4 Hz. Post processing of the same is done using MATLAB R2016a and Ledalab v3.4.9. For the first study, no pre-filtering was implemented. Although it can be done to smoothen the raw signal, using EDA explorer or a low bypass filter like Butterworth filter. In EDA signal, there is generally a latency of 1-3 seconds (i.e. a delay of around 1-3 seconds from when the event occurs to when you see the change in SC levels). Continuous decomposition analysis (CDA) is generally used instead of Discrete Decomposition analysis. This method extracts the phasic (driver) information underlying EDA and aims at retrieving the signal characteristics of the underlying sudomotor nerve activity (SNA). SC data is deconvolved by the general response shape which results in a large increase of temporal precision. Then data is decomposed into continuous phasic and tonic components. It is the method generally recommended for the analysis of skin conductance data. It features the computation of several standard measures of phasic EDA. Moreover, straightforward measures such as the average (or integrated) phasic driver activity are provided. To find Event Related SCR (ER-SCR) and separate it from Non-Specific SCR (NS-SCR), the event files are loaded in and the Ev ent related SCR activity is exported. The most common minimum threshold amplitude is 0.01  µS. Peaks with amplitude below this value is not considered significant. Another key factor is to standardize the values so that it can be compared across participants. For SCL the standardization is done using the formula: ((SCL ã€â€" SCLã€â€"_min) )/((ã€â€"SCLã€â€"_max –ã€â€" SCLã€â€"_min)) equation 2.2 Where ã€â€" SCLã€â€"_min is the baseline SCL which is to be measured while keeping the participant at rest doing nothing for at least 10-15 mins and ã€â€"SCLã€â€"_max is the maximum value computed when the participant is aroused using loud noise/music for a short period of time. This is done to get the SCL range of the given participant. Since this was not done for the SM study, it can’t be implemented. This can be circumnavigated by finding the minimum non-zero SCL score and the max SCL score during the study for each participant and use this as a baseline. Some studies recommend transforming SCRs into Z-scores. This requires the mean and standard-deviation to be used instead of a hypothetical maximum (from the other methods above). This navigates around the problems associated with determining the maximum SCR response from range-corrected methods / maximal correction methods. Here each raw SCR, a mean SCR value and standard deviation of SCRs, are used to compute the Z-score which is normally distributed, has an average of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. From here one can transform these Z-scores into T-scores, which have a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10 (thus removing minus scores). The advantage to this approach here is that the resultant z-scores are based on unambiguous mathematical factors that represent the participants typical response level and not on unwarranted assumptions about maximum SCRs. Researchers further suggested that another useful transformation might be to divide each raw SCR, by the participants mean SCR thus providing a kind of standardized ratio. Final output is to obtain the ER-SCR activity window’s average SCR in T-score format, so that it can be compared across all the participants. From this, it might be possible to deduce suggestions/reasons for certain behavior during failure. Shimomura, et al. (2008) showed in his study that frequency domain analysis enabled detection of small differences in mental workload that could not be detected by traditional amplitude domain analysis. Here the signal is transformed from amplitude domain to frequency domain using techniques such as Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT). This technique enables real-time automatic analysis. Motion artifacts can cause the EDA signal to be quite noisy. If 90% of EDA value is zero or close to zero within a 5s window (a lower bound threshold of 0.001 µS can be used, it is probably caused by the sensors losing contact with the skin during that period and they can be removed. Generally, EDA levels are found to be not changing by more than 20% while increasing and 10% while decreasing, within a 1 second time window. A moving one second median filter can be used for initial interpolation to even out the signal. The resultant acceleration from accelerometer sensor can be used to find points/periods of high movements, and the EDA signal during that same period can be checked for motion artifacts, which can be removed if necessary. A bi-cubic interpolation of the signal can be done after the filtering to account for missing data points from the removal of motion artifacts. To summarize, skin conductance generally increases with arousal, stress, salience, mental workload, anticipation and overall increase in body temperature or physical activity. But measurements from palm of the hand or feet are generally highly sensitive emotional responses and can be distinguished from skin conductance spikes due to body temperature or physical activity. Heart rate variability Heart rate (HR) is the number of times the heart beats in a minute or â€Å"bpm†, and resting heart rate is the heart rate measured while being relaxed, but awake. Amongst the general population a resting heart rate of 60-80bpm is considered pretty good. But heartbeat intervals are irregular and there is variation in time between each heartbeat. Heart rate variability (HRV) is simply the measurement of variation between heartbeats. In general, a healthy functioning body will display a greater variability between beats than a poorly functioning one. Heart period is the time interval between two successive heart beats. The Sinoatrial node (SAN) can be seen on the top left side of the figure and the Atrioventricular node (AVN) to the right of SAN. The depolarization of SAN and AVN provides the electrical driving force that triggers the contraction of the heart. SAN’s spontaneous depolarization speed is typically faster than that of AVN, which is why it’s called natural pacemaker. Electrical impulses generated by SAN stimulates each beat of the heart, thereby dictating its rhythm. Sympathetic (SNS) and Parasympathetic (PSNS) branches of the autonomic nervous system are what mainly influence SAN. Hormone and immunity can have a role as well. According to Berntson, et al. (1997) â€Å"sympathetic activity tends to increase HR and decrease HRV, whereas parasympathetic activities tends to decrease HR and increase HRV†. HRV is closely related to emotional arousal. In HRV spectrum, there are both high-frequency (HF) and low-frequency (LF) signals. HF activity generally decreases under pressure, stress, strain, focused attention etc. High stress can cause reduction in LF values as well. Individuals who worry more have shown reduction in HRV. In PTSD patients, HRV and its HF component is reduced whilst the low-frequency (LF) component is elevated. Decrease in PSNS activity or increase in SNS activity results in reduced HRV. HF activity (0.15 to 0.40 Hz), especially, has been linked to PSNS activity. LF activity (0.04 to 0.15 Hz), which is generally associated with a mixture of both SNS and PSNS. So, it’s safe to summarize that during rest periods, HF HRV tends to be higher than when the driver is engaged, stressed, focused or strained/tired. To analyze HRV, either time domain or frequency domain analysis can be implemented. Time domain methods include â€Å"measures of the variance among heart period, the variance of the differences among heart periods, and geometric methods based on the shape characteristics of heart period distributions†. The most common method used to compute heart rate variability amongst time domain methods is the square root of the mean squared successive heart period differences or the RMSSD (Root Mean Square Successive Difference) statistic. It is based on the differences between adjacent heart periods and is nominally independent of basal heart period, although heart period level and heart period variability are themselves physiologically correlated. Because of the differences between adjacent heart periods sample HRV over relatively short periods of time (the duration of a heart period), the RMSSD resolves the total variance by filtering out LF signals. Consequently, the RMSSD has been a pplied as a measure of HF based HRV. The properties of RMSSD, including its cut-off frequency and its frequency-dependent transfer function vary as a function of basal heart period. A more systematic parsing of heart period variance into specific frequency components can be achieved by frequency domain methods. There are mainly two ways to measure HRV and HR. They are Electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings and Photoplethysmogram (PPG) recordings. ECG recordings are collected by placing electrodes on the chest (near the heart), which measure electrical impulses for each cardiac cycle. QRS complex is the defining feature of ECG signal. QRS complex is the three graphical deflections seen on a typical ECG, which is Q wave (downward deflection right after P wave, which is IV.), R wave (upward deflection after Q wave) and S wave (downward deflection after R wave) which is represented by I., II. The heart’s electrical activation is measured directly by ECG recordings. It also generally shows a strong QRS complex presence in the resulting signal. Motion artifacts caused by sensor displacement due to participant movement is a common source of noise in ECG signals. These tend to fall in the same frequency range as the QRS-complexes, which can make it difficult to filter them without deforming the QRS complex. Photoplethysmogram (PPG) recordings are a less invasive method to study cardiac cycle. They generally measure the discoloration of the skin as blood perfuses through the arteries and capillaries with each heartbeat, using optical sensors. PPG is typically measured at the fingertip or at the wrist. The PPG Heart Rate Analysis generally consists of a systolic peak, a dicrotic notch, and a secondary peak called a diastolic peak (2.5b-III). In recordings with very low amplitude the diastolic peak may be absent. The main advantages of PPG over ECG are low cost, ease of setting up and non-invasive methods. Ways of obtaining the PPG signal contactless through cameras have been proposed, further reducing intrusiveness. There is generally more amplitude variation over short time-intervals, more variation in waveform morphology, as well as more noise from various sources as opposed to ECG measurements. This makes analysis of PPG more difficult. The heart signal is often split into heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) measures. The distance between the detected heart beats (the RR-intervals, named because in the ECG, the largest amplitude peak is called the R-wave) are used to calculate them. The heart beats are represented by the peaks in both signals. Even though the measurement technique vary quite considerably between ECG and PPG, a high correlation (median 0.97) between RR-intervals extracted from ECG and PPG signals has been reported. This makes the PPG a valid alternative for human factors studies that require non-intrusive heart rate measurements, and hence will be the focus of this research. Researchers talked on how to remove motion artifacts and filter it out of EDA signal. This is explained in the last paragraph of the previous section. The same methodology can be applied to remove motion artifacts from the HR/HRV signal as well.